Terms and Conditions

Thank you for visiting “Smsar.me”, a website specially created for You, bringing together the best offers that facilitate and solve all the problems you may face on a daily basis.

We designed the website to provide an agreeable, distinctive, private and informative shopping experience for consumers to purchase products. The website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and offers an easy and convenient way to order many products all in one online website.

By using our website, you agree to be bound by the following conditions so please read them carefully.

The use and ordering from our online website indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions, therefore, we ask our dear customer to read these terms of service thoroughly before beginning your journey at our website.

  • All materials, information and products on the Smsar.me website are displayed as they, and your use of the website, its services or any of our products is your personal choice and responsibility.
  • “Smsar.me” and its management are not bound by any liability or compensation for any errors resulting from your use of the website or one of its services or contents, and it completely disclaims any responsibility for any contracts or agreements that are made or conducted independently between its users or any other party.
  • Your use and browsing of this website mean you fully accept all the terms and conditions on this page, however, if you do not agree to the terms previously stated, we’re afraid you are not allowed to browse the website or view its contents.


Registration and usage requirements

When you register, you may provide us with your personal information including your name, address and a valid email address. You must ensure that this information is accurate and correct.

By using the “Smsar.me” website and its associated functions, you give your explicit consent for us to send marketing messages directly to your provided email address, from which you can unsubscribe at any time.


Update terms of use and privacy policy

“Smsar.me” has every right to update, change or replace any part of the terms of use and Privacy Policy by posting updates and changes to our website. It is your responsibility to check our website periodically for changes. Your continued use of our website after the posting of any changes to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy constitutes acceptance of those changes.